
Happy Full Moon

Blessings of the Full Moon in Aquarius!
May She rise in beauty in your dreams and visions.

In Her Name ~ Temple of Learning


Lughnasadh / Lammas Blessings


May we receive the first harvest of the season
with the same grace and love in which the Earth Mother provides it.

("Moca no Trigal" c. 1916, E. Visconti)

In Her Name ~ Temple of Learning


Happy Thunder Moon

 May the 2nd Full Moon in Capricorn
bring illumination and clarity.

In Her Name ~ Temple of Learning


News: Votive Altar Dedicated to Larrahe Found in Well


From the article:
"Archaeologists have unearthed a Roman-era votive altar dedicated to the ancient Basque deity Larrahe at the medieval monastery of Doneztebe on Mount Arriaundi, northern Spain.. . The small votive altar features a dedication written by a woman known as Valeria Vitella to the deity Larrahe. This translates to 'Valeria Vitella fulfills her vow to Larrahe freely and deservedly.' 

Little is known about Larrahe, as few other examples of worship to the deity have been discovered. “The name of this indigenous god or goddess is only attested in three other altars from the Basque territory,” researchers explained in the statement. However, this altar was found much further north than previous dedications to Larrahe, thus expanding the territorial domain of the deity’s worship."

(© photo Aranzadi Science Society)


Full Moon Blessings

Happy Rose Moon in Capricorn!
May Her Rays bring Wisdom and Beauty.

(photo, Shutterstock)

In Her Name ~ Temple of Learning


Happy Solstice!

In ancient Baltic traditions, the Sun Goddess Saule rules the heavens and rides across the sky in her golden and silver chariot, pulled by twin stallions.

"Saule, with her two gold horses,
Rides up the stone mountain
Never heated, never weary.
Never resting on the way."

Her festival was held on the Summer Solstice - bonfires were lit, blessings were asked, flower wreaths signifying the sun were assembled, and a special meal was shared.  Celebrants would stay up the entire night to witness her rising.

"The Sun dances over the silver mountain
Silver shoes she hath on her feet. . ."


(© quotes from the "Encyclopaedia of Religion & Ethics", Ed. J. Hastings; art by Annalceflames /DeviantArt.)

In Her Name ~ Temple of Learning


Full Moon Blessings


Happy Full Flower Moon in Sagittarius.
May inspiration bloom!
In Her Name ~ Temple of Learning


Full Moon Blessings


Happy Pink Moon in Scorpio!
May Her peaceful beauty bless you today and always.

(artwork © Evvers, DeviantArt)