
Full Moon Blessings


May the Full Moon in Leo bring courage 
to your heart and strength to your spirit.

(© art by Thiago/Adobe Stock)

In Her Name ~ Temple of Learning


Brigid's Eve

"The sacred Three,
to save,
to shield,
to surround
the hearth,
the house,
the household,
this eve,
this night,
oh! this eve,
this night,
and every night,
each single night."
(Carmina Gadelica)

In Her Name ~ Temple of Learning


Babylonian Creation Myth


"They kissed Her feet, saying: 
'The Creatress of mankind we call Thee;
The Mistress of all the Gods, be Thy Name!'
They went to the House of Fate,
Ninigiku-Ea and the wise Mama.
Fourteen mother-wombs were assembled 
to tread upon the clay before Her.
Ea says, as he recites the incantation.
Sitting before Her,
Mama recited the incantation; 
When She completed Her incantation, 
She drew upon Her clay. 
Fourteen pieces She pinched off;
Seven pieces She placed on the right,
seven pieces She placed on the left,
between them She placed a brick. 
Ea was kneeling on the matting; 
He opened its navel; 
He called the wise wives.
Of the seven and seven mother-wombs.
Seven brought forth males,
seven brought forth females.
The Mother-Womb, the Creatress of Destiny,
In pairs She completed them,
In pairs She completed before Her,
The forms of the people Mami forms. 
In the house of the bearing woman in childbirth,
Seven days shall the brick lie,
from the house of Mah, the wise Mami. 
As the Bearing One gives birth,
May the mother of the child bring forth by herself."

 (© Ancient Babylonian text from "The Great Mother" by Erich Neumann, trans. R. Manheim.
Photo of female figure, Khafajah, Nintu Temple VII, Early Dynastic period, 2600-2500 B.C. Oriental Institute Museum, University of Chicago.)

In Her Name ~ Temple of Learning


Full Moon Blessings


Blessings of the Wolf Moon in the sign of Cancer.
May the voices of all beings be heard with respect.

In Her Name ~ Temple of Learning


Goddess Iunstir Linked to the Planet Venus

From the article:

"A team of researchers led by Daniel Iborra Pellín, from the University of Alicante, has presented new evidence about the name and worship of the Iberian Dea Mater, the chief female deity of the Iberians during the Iron Age. According to the study published in the journal Complutum, this deity, a symbol of fertility and associated with the planet Venus, was known as Iunstir, a name that reveals cultural and religious connections with other Mediterranean civilizations."

Click to Read the Full Article


Happy Solstice

Solstice Blessings!  May all your wishes come true
and may peace prevail in the new year.

(© art by Morgainelefee, Deviantart)

In Her Name ~ Temple of Learning


Hecate torch motif found on Turkish Temple columns


From the article:

"Recent excavations at Lagina are part of the "Heritage for the Future Project," which focuses on the sanctuary's ceremonial gate and entrance structure. According to Prof. Dr. Bilal Söğüt, the team discovered a Hecate torch motif on a column and Corinthian capitals dating from the Hellenistic and Roman periods. Notably, a figurative Corinthian column capital from the 2nd century AD was unearthed for the first time."


Full Moon Blessings


Blessings of the Long Night's Moon in Gemini.
May Her healing rays bring peace and clarity.

In Her Name ~ Temple of Learning