
To Kunapipi

Great Kunapipi,
I do not forget you
as I climb back into your holy womb
to make contact with my spirit soul,
crawling into the crescent vessel
of your protection
dug deep into the soil of your body,
carved into the precious earth beneath me.

I beckon to my spirit soul
which lives within you
until my time of finishing this life
and though I leave your womb
at this initiation time,
though I choose to climb out
from your nurturing warmth,
to live my years of life,
I ask you to care for my spirit soul
until my return
so that after my passing from this life
my two spirits may be reunited in you,
before you send me forth again
to once more live on earth.

Dear Kunapipi,
no matter how far I wander,
how many lives I live,
to you I shall always return.

(Traditional Aboriginal)

(Cave painting, Nourlangie, Kakadu)