(© Persephone and Demeter by Susan Seddon-Boulet)
In Her Name ~ Temple of Learning
Welcome and blessings to you in Her name! We are a home-study school dedicated to the Goddess mysteries and Priestess training. The aim of our Temple is to provide a variety of correspondence programs to help you deepen your connection with your Inner Self and the Goddess. Please visit our websites for more information: www.inhername.com or www.crlyceum.com
(© Persephone and Demeter by Susan Seddon-Boulet)
In Her Name ~ Temple of Learning
"A team of researchers led by Daniel Iborra Pellín, from the University of Alicante, has presented new evidence about the name and worship of the Iberian Dea Mater, the chief female deity of the Iberians during the Iron Age. According to the study published in the journal Complutum, this deity, a symbol of fertility and associated with the planet Venus, was known as Iunstir, a name that reveals cultural and religious connections with other Mediterranean civilizations."