
Goddess Stained-Glass Window: Wellesley College Chapel

From the article:
"Painstakingly assembled from more than 600 tiny pieces of hand-painted glass, “Veritas,’’ the newest stained-glass window at Wellesley College’s Houghton Memorial Chapel, shows the Goddess of Truth holding a glowing yellow lantern, her face serene and bright against the deep blues and reds that surround her. . . The window, a gift from a Wellesley alumna, was installed at the multi-faith chapel early this month. It is the first stained-glass window at Wellesley to represent a non-white figure and multiple religions, and is one of very few in the country. . ."

Links to other articles may be found in our Sharing Section:  In Her Name

(Photo by E. Allen.)


Happy Earth Day!

Traditional Chinook Blessing Litany

We call upon the Earth, our planet home,
with its beautiful depths and soaring heights,
its vitality and abundance of life,
and together we ask that it:
Teach us, and show us the Way.

We call upon the mountains, the Cascades and the Olympics,
the high green valleys and meadows filled with wildflowers,
the snows that never melt, the summits of intense silence,
and we ask that they:
Teach us, and show us the Way.

We call upon the waters that rim the earth,
horizon to horizon, that flow in our rivers and streams,
that fall upon our gardens and fields
and we ask that they:
Teach us, and show us the Way.

We call upon the land which grows our food,
the nurturing soil, the fertile fields,
the abundant gardens and orchards,
and we ask that they:
Teach us, and show us the Way.

We call upon the forests,
the great trees reaching strongly to the sky
with earth in their roots and the heavens in their branches,
the fir and the pine and the cedar,
and we ask them to:
Teach us, and show us the Way.

We call upon the creatures of the fields and forests and the seas,
our brothers and sisters the wolves and deer,
the eagle and dove, the great whales and the dolphin,
the beautiful orca and salmon who share our Northwest home,
and we ask them to:
Teach us, and show us the Way.

We call upon all those who have lived on this Earth,
our ancestors and our friends,
who dreamed the best for future generations,
and upon whose lives our lives are build,
and with thanksgiving, we call upon them to:
Teach us, and show us the Way.

And lastly, we call upon all that we hold most sacred,
the presence and power of the Great Spirit of love and truth
which flows through all the Universe...
to be with us to:
Teach us, and show us the Way.

(photo by NASA)


Goddess Mazu

Mazu statue at her birthplace, Meizhou Island, Fujian. 

Mazu is a Chinese Goddess of the ocean and Her name means "Mother Ancestor."  She is traditionally honored on the twenty-third day of the third lunar month of the Chinese calendar.  (mid-April to early May: this year it fell on April 13th)

To view a slideshow of this year's celebrations, follow this link:  Mazu Festivals


The Cerealia

In mid-to-late April, the Roman festival of the Cerealia was held for one week, honoring the Goddess Ceres (Greek: Demeter).

To the Ceralian Mother
"Ceralian Queen, of celebrated name,
From whom both men, and Gods immortal came;
Who widely wandering once, oppressed with grief,
In Eleusina's valley found relief,
Discovering Proserpine thy daughter pure
In dread Avernus, dismal and obscure;
A sacred youth while through the world you stray
Bacchus, attending leader of the way;
The holy marriage of terrestrial Jove
Relating, while oppressed with grief you rove;
Come, much invoked, and to these rites inclined,
Thy mystic suppliant bless, with favoring mind."

The Fumigation from Aromatics
(Hymns of Orpheus, trans. Taylor)

(Painting of the Roman Cerealia entitled "Spring", 1894 by Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema.)


Correspondence Courses - Enrollment Reminder

In order to be considered for our May 1st enrollment, please have your applications in by April 20th.  To read more about our correspondence programs and to request an enrollment guide, go to the link below.  Thank you.

(Seshat, Egyptian Goddess of Knowledge and Writing, Luxor)


Happy Pink Moon!

May this Full Moon reveal the hidden beauty within you!